Create links to the igc2kml converter | |
Webmasters, if you provide IGC files downloads from your website, you can also display links to our converter that enables easy visualisation of your igc files on Google Earth from your website. The syntax is: | |
color Default: white | Color: can be either white, yellow, green, red, blue or a 6 bytes hexa BGR color code e.g. yellow: 00FFFF |
width Default: 1 | Width: can be any value from 1 to 5 |
alti Default: gnss | Altitude: can be gnss or pres value ('gnss' is the satellite-provided altitude, 'pres' is the barometric altitude) |
link | Is the URL leading to the file to be converted |
Example: <A HREF=""> <IMG style="border: none" TITLE="Click here to display the IGC file" SRC="eartheye.gif"> </A> Will display this following clickable picture: | |
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